Barkcloth Textile from Uganda can Change the Future of Textiles

Barkcloth Textile from Uganda can Change the Future of Textiles

Bark cloth is made from the inner bark of the mutuba tree, a type of ficus. Ugandans have been wearing the cloth for over 600 years and the fabric making has been around before woven fabrics were created. What makes the fabric most interesting to a designer is the opportunity to be used as a sustainable alternative. The fabrics are made from tree bark, which can be with proper care harvested for decades from the same tree without harming the environment. I also love that textile has a nature texture and roughness. It makes the fabric beautiful in its own way. Scroll down to see a video on how the fabric is made and more images:

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"Haccoc Farm", originally constructed between 1880 and 1910 for the production of henequen fiber in Yucatan, México. After years of production the property became severely detoriated to the point only stones of masonry were standing. Reyes Rios and Larrain reconstruction concept was to conserve and consolidate the history of the space without recycling it as built space. The architects decided to work with the remains of the building giving it an isolated object-space, surrounded by water gardens and the new construction that contains it. The design is meant to work like an open hall that operates like a “hinge” that combines the new with the old construction.

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"Polo Stables" featuring a Grass Roof for Horses to Roam

Okay, so this isn't a home- I initially thought it was, but I can imagine this building being put into a home design. This is the stables for polo star Nacho Figueras on the flatlands of La Pampa near General Rodríguez, a city within the capital of Argentina. The project is built mainly of concrete and hardwoods, chosen for beauty and low maintenance. What I find most intriguing is the way the roof melds in to the landscape. The roof is sloped and merges into the landscape, making it easy for the horses to roam between the roof and the ground floor.  Via:

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Concrete Jungle a Collection of Jewelry that Grows!

Concrete Jungle a Collection of Jewelry that Grows!

Concrete Jungle, a collection of Growing Jewelry created by Studio Gutedort. The series consists of pendants made of concrete. The concrete pendants serve to be a small pot for the dandelion to thrive.  All the jewelry needs to sprout is sunlight from a window and some drops of water. Each pendant comes with, a package of soil, dandelion seeds and a small tube to water the seeds. The pendants are made in Germany and consist of two different forms of concrete; round and square formed. 

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Concrete house in Buenos Aires by Besonías Almeida

Concrete house in Buenos Aires by Besonías Almeida

Besonías Almeida built a house in Buenos Aires using concrete and dark laminated timber. The house was designed so the clients could live both indoors and outside.  The home features a partially covered garage that can fit three cars, and slots in the home that allows for trees to grow. Via:

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New Year, Full Moon Ceremony, Planting Seeds of Intentions

Jan 2, the First full Moon of the New Year. The moon, represents the feminine, emotional, creative and nurturing aspects of our lives. The Full Moon is the ending of the moon's lunar phases. It is said to be the best time to release what no longer serves you, what you no longer need in your life or any aspect of you that you have outgrown. "The full moon has an powerful and intense amount of energy, that we can use towards setting our intentions(actions), and let go. After the full moon, it then begins waning moon; it is symbolic of the closing of a chapter or reaching a goal. "  Below is a ritual that I was shared with by Kalaan. Kalaan is an Indigenous Healer of the Andean...

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